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An Easier Way To Book Hotel Room Blocks

We'll help you find the best hotel rooms for your guests at the best prices
*Venue Location
Don't have a venue yet? Let's help
Guest Rooms

Find a Wedding Venue: How It Works

Step 1
Search Hotels
Tell us what you want in a hotel for your guests.
Step 2
Request Proposal
Send a proposal to get a quote from the hotel that will fit your wedding's needs.
Step 3
Select Hotel
Choose the hotel that best fits your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hotel room block?
A hotel room block is a reservation for a group of hotel rooms. You can receive the best rates by reserving a room block.
How can I search for a hotel room block?
Enter the name of your wedding venue or venue address to explore the best hotels closest to your venue.
How does this work?
You select the hotels you like and send them a request for a proposal. You will receive proposals from hotels with room block rates. Negotiate the best rate that works for you and ensure that all your guests are able to stay in one place.