Provided by: Martine Inn
Martine Inn

Venue highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces

Venue details


Historic/Landmark Building, Park/Garden, Ocean/Waterfront View, Bed & Breakfast/Inn, Outdoor

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 100 guests


Ceremony / Reception

Indoor / Outdoor


255 Ocean View Boulevard
Pacific Grove, CA 93950


Martine Inn is a bed and breakfast Inn located in one of Pacific Grove’s historic homes. Our parlor and some rooms overlook the beautiful Pacific Ocean on the Monterey Bay. The Inn has 25 rooms, each with a different vintage design motif. Enjoy a short walk to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Cannery Row, shops and restaurants or visit nearby downtown Pacific Grove. We have a Full-Sevice Breakfast 8-10am each morning and an evening Wine and Hors d’Oeuvres 5:30-7pm included in a room rate. The Inn is a perfect setting for your special occasion:Plan your wedding, shower, conference, family reunion or private celebration at the Inn and enjoy the unique and historic experience that is the Martine Inn. Our innkeepers, chef and staff will assist you with care and pride.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

Martine Inn Event And Wedding Guidelines as of 1-1-2019


Minimum 20 persons to Maximum of 50 Persons
Hours Held - 12 Noon to 5pm Only (Except WT Dinners)
Luncheon, Tea Party, Brunch Meals= $35 to $50 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity. Beverages charged by Bottles-Containers Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity.
Wine Tasting Dinners- Includes the Meal and Selected Wines= $90 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity (Held in Evenings 5:30-8pm)
No Site Use Fees With Above Meal Events

Group Conference Room Use Fee- 1-4 Hours= $150 / 4-8 Hours =$200
Snacks $10 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity
Coffee-Tea Bar Included

Group-Business Retreats- 10-24 Persons= 25% Room Rate Discount
Lunch= $24- $28 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity
Snacks- $10 Per person Plus tax and 18% Gratuity
Coffee-Tea Bar Included
Conference Use Fee Included With Group Room Stays


Minimum 20 to 50 Maximum Persons
Site Use Fee - 20-50 Persons =$750
Time- 12-5 PM Only
Reception-Luncheon= $55-$65 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity (Depending on Food Selections-See List)
Hors d’oeuvres- Cost Per Plate-Dish Depending on the Guest Choice (See List)
Cake-$10 Per Person Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity (By Our Chef or 3 Local Bakeries)
Beverages- By Bottles or Containers-$20-$50 (or more) Plus Tax and 18% Gratuity
Decorations- $100 and Up Depending on Guest Choices (Market Value)
Flowers- Market Value
Music- Market Rate for The Band, Instrumentals or DJ Services.
Officiate- $300-$500 For Ceremony (Local Rate)
Seating- Tables, Chairs, Heaters, Etc.= Market Rental Rate
Other Guest Requests and Choices- TBD At Market-Local Rate

The Martine Inn will make all venue contacts and arrangements for the Guest Wedding. No outside vendors or caterers are allowed. Guest may have specific requests, flowers, music etc. but MI Staff will coordinate timing, delivery, etc.

Wedding for a Maximum of 51 to 100 Persons
This Number Of Guests Will Include An Inn-Takeover- All 25 Rooms Booked and Paid For A Minimum of 2 Nights Stay by Weddings Guests.
Site Use Fee 51-100 Persons= $1500
Reception, Lunch. Dinner and Other Costs as Listed Above.

Berwick Park Or Lovers Point Wedding Site- The Guest will need to Go the Pacific Grove City Office to get a Permit and License for Use Of these Public Sites. The Permit is given to the Martine Inn to assist with the Wedding Site Set Up and Total Venue.

Consists of the Bride and Groom, Officiate ,Photographer and 5 Guests Only- Additional persons will constitute a Small Wedding Venue.
Bride and Groom-Couple will be required to Book at least a One Night Stay at the Martine in a room of their choice.
$300 Site Use-Elopement Fee. This includes use of the property- inside or outside-for a Ceremony; a Small Wedding Cake; Sparkling Wine or Cider; assistance in locating an Officiate for the couple. (This fee does not include the room rate or officiate fee.)

Amenities and Restrictions


- Dance floor

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Piano

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Full kitchen facilities

- Public parking

- Dance area


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by 9:00PM


- Dance floor

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Piano

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Full kitchen facilities

- Public parking

- Dance area


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by 9:00PM


Martine Inn

Venue Highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces


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