Provided by : Omni Fort Worth Hotel
Omni Fort Worth Hotel

Venue highlights

Rentals included
Valet parking

Venue details


Hotel/Resort, Ballrooms

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 500 guests


Ceremony / Reception



1300 Houston Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102


Celebrate your nuptials with casual elegance and sophisticated style at Fort Worth's largest downtown hotel. As breathtaking as any West Texas sunset, Omni Fort Worth Hotel offers a taste of Texas hospitality. A stunning blend of native building materials and ultra-modern glass, Omni Fort Worth Hotel also boasts luxurious amenities. The hotel's beautiful venues create the perfect atmosphere for an elegant celebration. Exchange heartfelt vows in the hotel's outdoor garden space. Located on the third floor of the hotel the garden space overlooks the downtown skyline, creating the perfect backdrop to your ceremony. Then, host your fabulous reception in one of two grand ballrooms—The Fort Worth Ballroom and the Texas Ballroom. The delectable menus will delight your guests and make your gathering unforgettable! The legendary service and incomparable attention to detail will make your wedding day a cherished memory. The team of professional service staff awaits your arrival. It is their sincere wish to make your every dream come true!

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

There is no rental fee for the reception but there is a food and beverage minimum applied to all events. The venue allows 5 hours of event time excluding set up and clean up time. The set up fee for a wedding ceremony is $1,200. Additional hours can be arranged for a fee of $500/hr. Parking and breakfast are included for the couple.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Full kitchen facilities

- Valet/shuttle service provided


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Food & beverage minimum

- Valet parking or shuttle service required

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking in designated areas only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight


- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Full kitchen facilities

- Valet/shuttle service provided


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- Food & beverage minimum

- Valet parking or shuttle service required

- Venue must approve all decorations

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking in designated areas only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight


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Omni Fort Worth Hotel

Venue Highlights

Rentals included
Valet parking


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