Provided by : El Dorado Train Depot
El Dorado Train Depot

Venue highlights

Valet parking

Venue details


Community Center

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 90 guests


Ceremony / Reception



430 North Main
El Dorado, KS 67042


Located on the edge of the beautiful Flint Hills in south central Kansas, the city of El Dorado exhibits a rich history of development and innovation. It's a beautiful place to create your own family history. Take the stress out of wedding planning by using an elegantly-appointed City of El Dorado facility. The one-story, red-brick sEl Dorado Missouri Pacific Depot is a former passenger train station in El Dorado, Kansas, United States. The building features a Late 19th and 20th Century Mission / Spanish Colonial Revival architectural style that includes a red-tile roof and wide, overhanging eaves. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the depot now offers modern amenities as well as two different sized rooms to choose from—East and West. The impeccably-manicured depot grounds feature three Artscape sculptures and can easily accommodate small outdoor wedding ceremonies. However, the quiet location also provides easy access to metropolitan areas, making the depot a wonderful complement to off site ceremonies.


Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee ranges from $70 to $100 for a ceremony and reception and includes 12 hours of event time including set up and clean up time. All alcohol must be approved by city prior to event.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Tables and chairs provided

- Kitchen for prep only

- Large parking lot

- Dance area


- BYO alcohol

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking outside only

- Music must end by midnight


- Bride's dressing area

- Tables and chairs provided

- Kitchen for prep only

- Large parking lot

- Dance area


- BYO alcohol

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking outside only

- Music must end by midnight


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El Dorado Train Depot

Venue Highlights

Valet parking


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