Provided by: Scottsbluff Barn Anew
Scottsbluff Barn Anew

Venue highlights

Valet parking

Venue details


Rustic & Barn, Park/Garden, Bed & Breakfast/Inn, Vintage, Outdoor

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 250 guests





170549 County Road L
Scottsbluff, NE 69361


Rising out of the ruts of the Oregon Trail, with Scotts Bluff as a dramatic backdrop, Barn Anew Bed & Breakfast offers an exquisite setting for your outdoor wedding celebration. Barn Anew provides an exquisite get away perfect for exchanging vows in a calm and serene setting. From the moment you and your guests set foot on the property you will enjoy Western hospitality and beautiful surroundings. The nostalgic outdoor courtyard seats 200 comfortably and is shaded by 100 year old trees. Walls of Nebraska chokecherry bushes, a ceiling of azure blue skies, a chorus of the birds song, a carpet of green create a natural cathedral for the wedding ceremony of your dreams. After the ceremony, guests can enjoy an alfresco cocktail hour while you pose for formal portraits along Barn Anew's impeccably-manicured grounds. The innkeepers at Barn Anew pledge to be most helpful in contributing to this very special day, whether you envision an intimate elopement or an elaborate celebration.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee is $1,200 for a ceremony and includes 4 hours of event time excluding set up and clean up time.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- No kitchen

- Large parking lot

- Gazebo


- Venue must approve all decorations

- Wheelchair access limited

- No catering allowed

- No amplified music allowed

- No smoking

- No alcohol allowed on premises

- No restrictions on music end time

- Biodegradable throwables only


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- No kitchen

- Large parking lot

- Gazebo


- Venue must approve all decorations

- Wheelchair access limited

- No catering allowed

- No amplified music allowed

- No smoking

- No alcohol allowed on premises

- No restrictions on music end time

- Biodegradable throwables only

Scottsbluff Barn Anew

Venue Highlights

Valet parking


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