Sorry, Imiloa Astronomy Center is not available, but let's get you back on track!
We've found some nearby venues you'll love...
Peltzer Winery
Inland Empire
from $8,308 for 50 guests
The Legends Golf Club at Temeku Hills
Inland Empire
from $3,472 for 50 guests
Arrowhead Ranch
Inland Empire
from $2,359 for 50 guests
California Theatre Of Performing Arts
Inland Empire
from $3,900 for 50 guests
Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon
Inland Empire
from $5,944 for 50 guests
Hicksville Trailer Palace
Inland Empire
from $3,918 for 50 guests
Bombay Restaurant
Inland Empire
from $2,210 for 50 guests
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