Provided By: Player's Sports Grill, Arcade & Luau Lounge
Player's Sports Grill, Arcade & Luau Lounge

Venue highlights

Rehearsal dinner and bridal shower

Venue details


Banquet Hall/Restaurant


Rehearsal Dinner / Bridal Shower


39 Pier
San Francisco, CA 94133


Boasting exceptional views of the San Francisco Bay, Players Arcade and Sports Grill is a fun and unique space to host your next private event. Players offers several spaces for private party bookings. The TV lined Sports Grill area, set at the front of the venue can accommodate up to 65 seated guests with combined table and bar seating. Alternatively, for smaller parties of about 35 seated guests, the Club House space is comparable to and offers similar amenities as the Sports Grill. The Luau Lounge at the end of PIER 29 offers a tiki bar and unobstructed views of the bar and is great for large parties of around 100 guests. For an outdoor experience, the patio seats up to 25 and features thee large HD TVs. And for a more active change of pace, the 6,000 square foot arcade area, fit with 85 arcade games, two billiard tables, air hockey, and more, can be booked for the enjoyment of up to 250 standing guests.

Additional details

Service Options


Player's Sports Grill, Arcade & Luau Lounge

Venue Highlights

Rehearsal dinner and bridal shower

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