Vivian Chen Photography
The Outdoor Art Club

Venue highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces
Valet parking

Venue details


Historic/Landmark Building, Private Club, Park/Garden, Outdoor

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 150 guests


Ceremony / Reception

Indoor / Outdoor


1 W Blithedale Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941


Located in the heart of Mill Valley, California, The Outdoor Art Club is a private, nonprofit women's organization formed in 1902. Over the years, the venue has become a popular destination for weddings with its beautiful grounds, perfectly manicured gardens, and intimate setting for indoor and outdoor events. It is a unique venue -- a building of architectural significance as well as a state and national landmark. Guests are greeted by the redwood logs, rustic pergola, and a welcoming porch. The Clubhouse, with its dark wood and hanging chandeliers, provide a warm and inviting setting for your loved ones. Between the charming location and the stunning grounds, The Outdoor Art Club is a venue that turns every celebration into a memorable one.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee ranges from $4,100 to $4,500 for ceremony and reception and includes exclusive use of the facilities from 10:00AM to 11:00PM. A refundable security deposit of $1,500 is required. Please note the outdoor art club is not available for weekday events.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Coat check room

- Tables and chairs provided

- Outdoor lighting

- Piano

- Venue set up and clean up

- Full kitchen facilities

- Public parking


- BYO alcohol

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Choose from a list for catering

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be served by licensed bartender/caterer

- Music must end by 10:30PM

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, glitter, party poppers, streamers


- Bride's dressing area

- Dance floor

- Podium and/or stage

- Coat check room

- Tables and chairs provided

- Outdoor lighting

- Piano

- Venue set up and clean up

- Full kitchen facilities

- Public parking


- BYO alcohol

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Choose from a list for catering

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be served by licensed bartender/caterer

- Music must end by 10:30PM

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, glitter, party poppers, streamers


The Outdoor Art Club

Venue Highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces
Valet parking


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