Provided by: Holiday Inn & Suites
Holiday Inn & Suites, East Peoria

Venue highlights

Rentals included
Valet parking

Venue details


Hotel/Resort, Ballrooms

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 250 guests


Ceremony / Reception



101 Holiday Street
East Peoria, IL 61611


If you are looking for an exceptional hotel venue that blends traditions of the past with the present by adding a touch of class and a lot of edge then the new Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites East Peoria hotel may be for you. Your guests can mingle around pre-ceremony and pre-reception cocktails in the hotel’s Lobby Lounge area. The hotel’s large banquet room can easily accommodate both your ceremony and reception. The outdoor patio also makes a fine location for cocktail hour and the elevated fire pit makes for an interesting conversation piece. You and your guests can celebrate your nuptials in style within this contemporary but classic hotel setting. You and your guests can enjoy an evening filled with laughter, drinks, a delectable meal and dancing. The hotel offers uncompromising service and beautiful ballroom space at an incredible value. Your special day will be one you and your guests will always remember.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee is $6,000 for a reception and includes 9 hours of rental time including set up and clean up time. The set up fee for a ceremony is $750.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Wedding planning services

- Dance floor

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Full kitchen facilities

- Large parking lot

- Champagne toast included for bride, groom, wedding party and immediate family members


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking outside only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight

- LED candles only


- Wedding planning services

- Dance floor

- Tables and chairs provided

- Linens, silverware, glassware provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Complimentary bridal suite

- Full kitchen facilities

- Large parking lot

- Champagne toast included for bride, groom, wedding party and immediate family members


- All food and beverage handled by venue

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Catering provided by venue

- Amplified music OK indoors only

- Smoking outside only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by midnight

- LED candles only

Holiday Inn & Suites, East Peoria

Venue Highlights

Rentals included
Valet parking


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