Provided by: Simpson House Inn
Simpson House Inn

Venue highlights

Valet parking

Venue details


Mansion, Bed & Breakfast/Inn

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 90 guests


Ceremony / Reception



121 East Arrellaga Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Tucked away in a tranquil and historic Santa Barbara neighborhood, the Simpson House Inn is a sunny, secluded oasis perfect for your intimate ceremony and reception. The beautiful grounds surrounded by tall, green hedges enclosing an acre of romantic English gardens provide the perfect space for your loved ones to witness you recite your vows. The perfectly manicured lawns scattered with quaint benches and moss covered stone paths create a cozy, Victorian feel for your guests to enjoy cocktails under the Santa Barbara sky. Furthermore, the charming setting is perfect for an intimate ceremony and reception where you and your guests can truly come together in a beautifully luxurious environment to celebrate your wedding day. Imagine sipping on a glass of champagne in celebration under the warm Santa Barbara afternoon sun surrounded by your family and closest friends in the back gardens filled with lush greenery and vibrant flowers. Finally, the Simpson House Inn provides warm, inviting décor for your guests to stay to continue the celebration beyond your wedding day.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee is $5,000 for a ceremony and reception. Please note, it is required to guarantee the booking of the 15 guest rooms for a two-night minimum for all Saturday events. A one-night booking is required for Friday night events. Please inquire with venue for options to host your rehearsal dinner at Simpson House Inn as well.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Tables and chairs provided

- Overnight accommodations available

- No kitchen

- Valet or public parking for a fee


- Wedding coordinator required

- BYO alcohol

- Valet parking or shuttle service required

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Exclusive caterer for venue

- No amplified music allowed

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be served by licensed bartender/caterer

- Music must end by 10:00PM

- Portable restrooms are required to rent


- Tables and chairs provided

- Overnight accommodations available

- No kitchen

- Valet or public parking for a fee


- Wedding coordinator required

- BYO alcohol

- Valet parking or shuttle service required

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Exclusive caterer for venue

- No amplified music allowed

- No smoking

- Alcohol must be served by licensed bartender/caterer

- Music must end by 10:00PM

- Portable restrooms are required to rent


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Simpson House Inn

Venue Highlights

Valet parking


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