5401 Olympic Filming Location

BYO, Valet parking

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Starting at $4,230 for 50 Guests

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Starting at $4k for 50 Guests
Starting at $4k for 50 Guests

Venue capacity

up to 50 guests

Starting price

$4K to start


Ceremony / Reception

5401 Olympic Filming Location Overview

5401 Olympic House offers a classically beautiful and airy, intimate space to invite your closest friends and family to in celebration of your wedding. Your guests will arrive to the elegant entrance to the private estate through its wooden gate offering a soft, romantic look and complementary touch to the wide front yard. Your guests will enjoy the intimate and cozy outdoor space where the ceremony is held. The celebration will continue outside for the reception and your guests will dance the night away underneath the bright stars. This 1920’s private estate is any photographer’s dream as it is used for a variety of filming shoots. The carved features of the door provide elegance while maintaining simplicity and create a beautiful backdrop for wedding photos. The overall Spanish style of the house has rich, dark wood framing the doors and covering the floor and ceiling the space is simple yet sophisticated.

Venue Notes

The rental fee is $2,500 for a ceremony and reception and includes 12 hours of event time including set up and clean up time. Additional hours can be arranged for a fee of $500/hr. Security may be required depending upon on total guest count.

Amenities And Requirements


Bride's dressing area
Groom's dressing area
No kitchen
Public parking


- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors- Approved outside caterer allowed- BYO alcohol- General liability insurance required- Music must end by 10:00PM- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.- Porta potties are required- Smoking outside only- Venue must approve all decorations