Provided by: Tranquilo

Venue highlights

Valet parking

Venue details


Hotel/Resort, Outdoor

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 60 guests


Ceremony / Reception



2909 Vistamar Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304


Tranquilo Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is a wedding destination that will have you and your guests feeling at ease. This peaceful destination is brimming with Florida sun and peaceful interiors. The minimalist rooms and lush exterior spaces of Tranquilo creates a picturesque site for each moment of your wedding day. Imagine a casual evening reception by the pool. As the sun sets the bright blue pool becomes a centerpiece for an evening of action. Lounge with friends and family as you celebrate your wedding day. The large patio can be arranged with tables and chairs transforming the space to an outdoor ballroom. Dance and dine by the sparkling blue waters. Tranquilo Hotel is close to the beach, perfect for those wishing to exchange vows at the ocean's edge. Enjoy a wedding day that is fun and light, your wedding will bring joy to all while keeping everyone in calm spirits.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

The rental fee is $500 for a reception and includes 5 hours of event time excluding set up and clean up time. The fee for a ceremony is $500 with reception rental. Please inquire with venue for later event end times and ceremony only wedding options.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Coat check room

- Tables and chairs provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- No kitchen

- Large parking lot

- Linens and napkins provided


- Venue must approve all decorations

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking outside only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by 10:00PM


- Bride's dressing area

- Groom's dressing area

- Coat check room

- Tables and chairs provided

- Venue set up and clean up

- Votive candles

- Overnight accommodations available

- Day-of coordinator

- Champagne toast

- No kitchen

- Large parking lot

- Linens and napkins provided


- Venue must approve all decorations

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking outside only

- Alcohol must be provided by venue

- Music must end by 10:00PM



Venue Highlights

Valet parking


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