Provided By: Alotta Colada Beachhouse
Alotta Colada Beachhouse

Venue highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces
Valet parking

Venue details


Ocean/Waterfront View, Beach

Guest capacity:

Accommodates up to 100 guests


Ceremony / Reception

Indoor / Outdoor


263 Snowdrift
Miramar Beach, FL 32550


Alotta Colada Beach House is the perfect spot for a wedding celebration due to its unique feature of being located on a private/gated street with it's own private beach! Sit on one of the many decks overlooking the beautiful crisp teal waters of the gulf, or take a walk on the white sandy beaches, which are located just steps away from the main house and private pool. Alotta Colada accommodates 44 people comfortably. The main house has 6 bedrooms and two additional bunk areas. The enormous main kitchen is a perfect gathering place for the whole crowd and there is an additional kitchen conveniently located near the pool on the main floor. There is no need to wait around for a shower, as this house is loaded with 6 full baths and 2 half baths. If that is not enough, the additional space in the carriage house includes two bedrooms, a full bath, and spectacular kitchen! Relax and unwind with those you love most as you celebrate your wedding day at Alotta Colada.

Additional details

Service Options

Venue notes

Prices on Wedding Spot are base prices and are subject to change at anytime based on availability and seasonality. Please check with property's side for up-to-date rental prices. Rental fees are based on a 4-night minimum rental.

Amenities and Restrictions


- Bride's dressing area

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Full kitchen facilities

- Parking can be arranged


- BYO alcohol

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- Wheelchair access limited

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking outside only

- Music must end by 10:00PM


- Bride's dressing area

- Venue set up and clean up

- Overnight accommodations available

- Full kitchen facilities

- Parking can be arranged


- BYO alcohol

- Venue must approve all decorations

- General liability insurance required

- Wheelchair access limited

- No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.

- Approved outside caterer allowed

- Amplified music OK indoors and outdoors

- Smoking outside only

- Music must end by 10:00PM

Alotta Colada Beachhouse

Venue Highlights

Indoor and outdoor spaces
Valet parking


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